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SnakeBinning: Efficient Temporally Coherent Triangle Packing for Shading Streaming

Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. of Eurographics 2021)

Jozef Hladky1     Hans-Peter Seidel1     Markus Steinberger2

1 MPI Informatik    2 TU Graz

Example PVS

By rendering Potentially Visible Set (PVS) geometry shaded with our Shading Atlas (yellow background) we achieve novel view extrapolation with near ground-truth quality. The scene triangles are assigned into bins, grouping triangles by similar screen-space footprint and preserving the primitive ordering. The bins are structured into rectangular superblocks (colorful columns) to efficiently utilize the atlas space. The gaps in the superblocks allow additional space for the bins to shrink/grow in order to increase temporal coherence. Both Tessellated Shading Streaming (TSS) and Shading Atlas Streaming (SAS) capture similar amount of shading atlas samples at slower speeds and achieve worse novel view quality (last column).

Fast Forward

This video won the "Best Fast Forward" award at Eurographics 2021:


Streaming rendering, e.g., rendering in the cloud and streaming via a mobile connection, suffers from increased latency and unreliable connections. High quality framerate upsampling can hide these issues, especially when capturing shading into an atlas and transmitting it alongside geometric information. The captured shading information must consider triangle footprints and temporal stability to ensure efficient video encoding. Previous approaches only consider either temporal stability or sample distributions, but none focuses on both. With SnakeBinning, we present an efficient triangle packing approach that adjusts sample distributions and caters for temporal coherence. Using a multi-dimensional binning approach, we enforce tight packing among triangles while creating optimal sample distributions. Our binning is built on top of hardware supported real-time rendering where bins are mapped to individual pixels in a virtual framebuffer. Fragment shader interlock and atomic operations enforce global ordering of triangles within each bin, and thus temporal coherence according to the primitive order is achieved. Resampling the bin distribution guarantees high occupancy among all bins and a dense atlas packing. Shading samples are directly captured into the atlas using a rasterization pass, adjusting samples for perspective effects and creating a tight packing. Comparison to previous atlas packing approaches shows that our approach is faster than previous work and achieves the best sample distributions while maintaining temporal coherence. In this way, SnakeBinning achieves the highest rendering quality under equal atlas memory requirements. At the same time, its temporal coherence ensures that we require equal or less bandwidth than previous state-of-the-art. As SnakeBinning outperforms previous approach in all relevant aspects, it is the preferred choice for texture-based streaming rendering.




Jozef Hladky, Hans-Peter Seidel, Markus Steinberger
SnakeBinning: Efficient Temporally Coherent Triangle Packing for Shading Streaming
Computer Graphics (Proc. Eurographics 2021)

	title	= {SnakeBinning: Efficient Temporally Coherent Triangle Packing 
		for Shading Streaming},
	author = {Hladky, Jozef and Seidel, Hans-Peter and Steinberger, Markus},
	year = {2021},
	publisher = {The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.},
	ISSN = {1467-8659},
	DOI = {10.1111/cgf.142648}	